

~ C' est la vie. Such is life. ~

About - v1.3
v1.0 - Created this Readme. Yah.
v1.1 - Deleted About Me page, and added it to Readme.txt.
v1.2 - Added links.
v1.3 - Revised "About Me"

Welcome to my online gaming blog, where I mostly rant or bitch about players, but ultimately, I love to share my online gaming experience with the internet. This blog was formerly a Granado Espada blog, but due to my projects in school and also personal life, I can't play Granado Espada as much as before. So I decided to make this a online gaming + life blog. I tend to get on vulgar side of blogging often, since it's the only way I could express myself when I'm in anger or in excitement. I'm also very sensitive to badly typed articles or posts because I was once a secretary in my school's extra-curriculum activity, so don't blame me if I find the way you type, annoying.

Also, I will occasionally type about my real life matters, so be discreet with your comments. I was previously blogging about my Secondary/High School life for the past 3-4 years, so there's no way I can not talk about real life.

Some features you may want to note..

  • The archives are all the way to the bottom. I have no suitable method of putting the archives at the top and it will cause glitches. I will try and fix this as soon as possible.
  • The web counter, like the archives, are all the way to the bottom. Again, the above reason.
  • There's no tagboard, because I can't be moderating tags 24/7. Only comments allowed.

Here are some of the MMORPGs I played before.

12 Sky
Kishin - Lv. 106 Fujin - Serenity Server (Quitted)

12 Sky 2
Skorpion - M2 Tiger Clan - Equinox (MAYN) (Quitted)
Ragemeister - Lv. 106 Fujin - Nemesis (Aeriagames) (Quitted)

Atlantica Online
Tenesar - Lv. 87 Cannon - Thebes (Quitted)

Reanimationz - Lv. 101 Blader - Mercury (Quitted)

Champions Online
JohnnyWrath - Lv. 15 Pyro (Quitted)
Bladegash - Lv. 10 Blade (Semi-active)

Dragon Nest SEA
Xaurion - Lv. 24 Priest - Springwood (Inactive due to lack of updates)

Eden Eternal
Xaurion - Lv. 40/40 Magician/Cleric/Illusionist/Bard (Quitted due to random ban)

TechnoRemix - Lv. 78 Billposter - Lawolf (Quitted)
G3YS3R - Lv. 69 Blade - Lawolf (Quitted)
Ragemeister - Lv. 58 Assist - Mia (Quitted)

Granado Espada
Seltaine - Lv. 39 Family - Rembrandt (Semi-active)

SinOfFury - Lv. 78 Hermit - Aquila (Quitted)
3lectrifying - Lv. 58 Ice/Lightning Mage (Quitted)
xCatastr0phe - Lv. 50 Bandit (Quitted)
Straton - Lv. 126 Battle Mage - Cassiopeia (Quitted)

Rusty Hearts
Straus - Lv. 25 Scythe Angela - US West (Semi-active)

Steam ID - Johnny Wrath
Origin ID - JohnnyWrath

That's the bottomline. - My abandoned and real life blog.
Gaming While Raining! - My gaming blog which failed halfway and have no intention of reviving it unless..
My Youtube channel. - I used to make Call of Duty and several other gaming videos. Now I'm very lazy to make them.

Yours truly,

~ Fin ~