
Sunday, May 8, 2011

#31 - Happy Mother's Day!

I've been busy with assignments and shit. Really no time for Granado Espada. How sad.

Well, to begin, Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there!

I don't know what to blog about anymore. Granado Espada's getting really boring. Well for me, boredom = getting lame loots from raids (Same lame loots every single time, such terrible luck), boring chat topics, dying a lot (Hate getting butt-sexed by Merman Eaters and Dreamblades), people's indecisiveness and lots more.. I really want either TERA or Dragon Nest Online to be out soon.. If only I could play Vindictus or Mabinogi, but too bad it's IP-blocked in Asia. AHHH damn it. I wanna play an active game now.. A game where I can grind for 2 hours, put the items for sale in a Market Manager and go to sleep.

Not to mention, chipping my rifle 5 times a day has brought my Vis count from 70m to a measly 10m. The best stat I gotten from all these 60+ chips is a 90% Undead racial, that's all. I never gotten leveling stats. Pathetic. Even when friends chip my stuff, they couldn't get any luck at all. Geez.

Testing out a UI skin from Starstorm. Looks pretty slick.

Yes I use Angel Buff and Hrin's because my characters are weak.

Time to do some Photoshop homework.. =/



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